Our paper is published!
Our paper “Defining the Rhizobium leguminosarum species complex” was published today in Genes. You can download the PDF and the supplementary files from https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4425/12/1/111. You can refer to it (please do!) as Young, J.P.W.; Moeskjær, S.; Afonin, A.; Rahi, P.; Maluk, M.; James, E.K.; Cavassim, M.I.A.; Rashid, M.H.; Aserse, A.A.; Perry, B.J.; Wang, E.T.; Velázquez, E.; Andronov, E.E.; Tampakaki, A.; Flores Félix, J.D.; Rivas González, R.; Youseif, S.H.; Lepetit, M.; Boivin, S.; Jorrin, B.; Kenicer, G.J.; Peix, Á.; Hynes, M.F.; Ramírez-Bahena, M.H.; Gulati, A.; Tian, C.-F. Defining the Rhizobium leguminosarum Species Complex. Genes 2021, 12, 111.
Many thanks to all my coauthors for making this such an interesting project. Now I will have to find something else to do.